Renata’s Garden strives to bring the joy of nature to all people at any place and at any time through experiences with plants.


My goal is to unearth the power of horticulture in the lives of others, inspiring individual peace, rich community and the desire to learn.

Curious about the Plant Bus inspo and reno?



Hello from Plum Grove Knoll! Let me introduce myself if we haven’t met yet. My name is Renata, creator of Renata’s Garden, LLC. I wear many hats in the business, not just a gardening hat (as any small business owner would tell you is no small feat). Here and now, I am donning my story teller hat to elaborate upon how and why I started Renata’s Garden.

Founded in 2021, Renata’s Garden is a small business centered around the love of all things that grow. My business concentrates on spreading that love to customers in many forms, but mainly through my mobile storefront, the Plant Bus, which travels across South Central Kansas. When I’m not in the greenhouse or out on a prairie expedition, I am in the Plant Bus, selling horticultural goods, hosting educational workshops, and working to support rookie and veteran plant lovers alike with plant care guidance.

The idea for my business stems from my original business open from 2012-2018, also named Renata’s Garden. Marketed as a micro-greenhouse selling select vegetables, herbs and ornamentals to community members each spring, I focused on quality not quantity, unique plants and customer relationships.

Closing my original business to pursue my studies, I completed a bachelor of science degree in horticulture at Kansas State University; I worked for several horticultural businesses; I traveled abroad to gain a global perspective; and, I even became a published scientific author!

Through all these experiences, I discovered the power of horticulture in the lives of others.

While soaking in the luxury of Dutch greenhouses, French gardens and Luxembourgish wineries has no compare, I was drawn to return to the broad, sweeping prairies of Kansas and the culture of local communities.

Aspiring to meld the refined techniques of European horticulture and Kansan love of the land, I am relaunching Renata’s Garden anew!

Every day, I am working toward realizing my vision to empower others with horticulture.

Happy growing!


  • There were many influences behind the mobile business model, but I have two main influences. The first inspiration came from a mobile nonprofit that services kids who need meals over the summer when school is out. That was the first time I saw a renovated school bus. It was decked out with seats and tables so that the kids could have a place to eat. I loved the community that it brought with it, and it was very purposeful. I LOVE unique ideas that are purposeful and utilize resources efficiently.

    The second inspiration came 5 years later when I was traveling in Europe during college. While there, I noticed the myriads of street businesses that thrived from local traffic. I loved the community and unique feel that a mobile business provides, and I wanted to create a unique experience in the place I grew up. Mobile carts aren’t always conducive to Kansas weather, so… Plant Bus!

  • No I don’t. I actually have greenhouse space out at Plum Grove Knoll where I can grow plants by the thousands. :)

    The more I think about it, the more I think about how challenging it would be to grow plants on the bus. First, the heat and cold would be extremely hard to control. Space would be limiting. Not to mention, where would all of the water go?

    So… sorry but not sorry. I don’t grow the plants on the bus. They just get to take a joy ride to you every weekend.

  • Yes! I purchased the bus in fall of 2020 while I was a senior at K-State. It sat in the yard while I finished college… and then a bit more while I worked up the nerve to find a starting place. Haha!