Native Kansas
I am a native Kansan to the core! While I love exploring horticulture across the world, there is no ecosystem I love more than the Flint Hills tallgrass prairie that I call home. Follow me as I take you on prairie expeditions, exploring the flora and fauna of the Kansas prairie.
Kansas Day
Kansas Day is a favorite holiday of mine because it celebrates the place I love most--home. Check out some of my favorite native shots from the past 2020!
prairie expedition
I have been foraging all kinds of native goods lately in our Kansas tallgrass prairies. Seeds of all kinds of wildflowers and stems for drying and arranging both fill my tote, but the best part of my weekly expeditions is that I get to witness the changing of the seasons. There is nothing like observing nature to ground you to this earth and focus your ambitions. Tune into this episode of Unearth Horticulture to see the October prairie through my horticulturist eyes.
native plants
My favorite type of horticulture is native horticulture. Native plants are easy to grow, come back year after year, and they support our biological ecosystem! What's not to love? In this episode of Unearth Horticulture, I tour you through a small section of undisturbed Kansas prairie to show you a few of my favorite June wildflowers.