The Plant Doctor
Ever wonder if you’re taking care of your plants in the right way? While Google and plant apps are useful for research, it helps to have a scientific lens to view these resources. Let me be your resource for all things plant care! In this section, I have compiled videos that delve into plant care topics like pest scouting and repotting.
repotting blunders
Repotting is an important step in spring interior gardening. Houseplants need more room to grow as they age and thrive. Repotting is often done in the spring because days are starting to lengthen, and more light, equals more growth. Allow for root expansion by repotting and avoiding the top 5 blunders that people commonly make. Check out this episode to learn how!
Have you ever misted your houseplants to raise the surrounding humidity or to provide small amounts of water to your plant? In this episode of Unearth Horticulture, I outline a few tips when misting houseplants and what to consider before adding it to your care routine.
moving houseplants
Last week, I moved several of my plants over to my new house. While it was a short move, it was still important to consider how to avoid environmental stressors. Being successful in moving plants is simply a matter of preparation and consideration. We are moving plants all the time! Tune into this episode to learn how you can successfully move your plants from purchase to home, from home to college, or from house to house.
We all dread the occasional muncher on our garden or houseplants. A good way to prevent big outbreaks is to simply watch for those pests, so plants are treatable before it gets bad. Watch this episode to learn some pro tips on scouting for pests regularly amongst your plants.
Propagation is simply the multiplying of plants. You take one and you make two or three or one thousand! Propagation is a fun challenge for any horticulturist to master. Tune into this episode of Unearth Horticulture to learn some tips and little known facts about propagation.
vessels 101
I've seen it before, and I'm sure I'll see it again. Confusion surrounds pots and containers when it comes to making a choice about what will work best for the plant in question. However, I would argue that it's more important to consider what would work best for you as the grower. Truth be told, you could probably grow any plant in any type of vessel with the right education and experience. In this episode of Unearth Horticulture, I take you on a tour of plant vessels and their best uses. From self-watering pots to cache pots, you can find all types along the way!