Pleurothallis stricta

Family Orchidaceae

  • Light: Bright, indirect light is best to avoid leaf scorch but to promote flowering. Try to find a South facing window with sheers/blinds filtering light.

    Temperature: These guys prefer it on the warm side, but can tolerate chillier room temperatures during winter months when less active.

    • 65-75 F Nights

    • 75-85 F Days

    Humidity: Orchids always perform better the higher you can keep humidity; but Pleurothallis generally like 40-70% humidity, which is high for most homes. Laundry rooms and bathrooms are great areas to aim for.

    Low humidity causes leaf tip burn and lack of flowering.

  • Water: Keep these plants on the moist but not soggy side. Do not allow to dry out fully.

    Repotting: Repot as needed. They continually grow, and do not have a specific requirement on time of year to repot. To learn more about potting them up, read the American Orchid Society’s care guide by clicking here.

    Fertilizing: Use a balanced low rate fertilizer like a 10-10-10 formulation applied every other watering. Watering with clear water every other time is important to flush extra fertilizer and prevent root burn.

  • Orchids have a vast and complicated taxonomy that most cannot dissect. To learn more about orchid care, join your local orchid society chapter!

    Kansas Orchid Society

  • (Listed in order of commonality…)

    • Lack of flowers from low light

    • Leaf damage/lack of growth caused by dry down

    • Fungus gnats

    • Algae build-up on potting mix

    • Mealy Bugs

  • Are orchids pet safe?

    Yes; generally speaking, most orchids are regarded safe for pets. Phalaenopsis have specifically been tested as safe.

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