
Salvia rosmarinus

  • When to Plant: As a perennial, rosemary should be planted when soil warms in May/June.

    Light: Full Sun

    Soil: Well-drained soil is necessary. Roots struggle with health in poorly drained soils. If concerned about your soil quality, consider planting in a raised bed or container. Use general purpose potting mix if planting in a container.

  • Water when the top 2-4 inches of soil is dry. Rosemary does not tolerate wet leaves. Avoid watering from above.

  • If planted in a container, try a slow-release fertilizer for easy care, following the recommended bottle rates. Sometimes, potting mixes incorporate slow release fertilizer that lasts for 6 months.

    Fertilizing while planted in ground may not be necessary if soil quality is good.

  • Harvest stems back to a main stem or to the base of the plant, being careful not to harvest more than 40% of the plant at one time.

  • Rosemary is similar in care to its close cousin—lavender. Similarly, it is considered a semi-evergreen—losing its vibrant green color in winter months but retaining its leaves.