Learn more in-depth plant care via my YouTube Channel.

Fruits of our Labor

Botanically, the fruit of a plant is not always what we might think of as the type of fruit we’d want in a smoothy or pie, but sometimes it does work out that way. Technically, the fruit of a plant refers to the seed-bearing plant organ. This can include edible or toxic plant organs of all shapes, colors and sizes. Here, you will find topics that pertain to the harvesting, preserving, preparing, and enjoyment of the fruits of our labor.

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Orchids for All

“Orchid” a plant name that makes most people quake in their boots for dread of the inevitable. Yet, it remains that some orchid hybrids are as easy to care for as a cactus or philodendron. You just have to know a few key facts about how orchids function. Guess what!? Orchids are an old friend of mine. I worked for an orchid growing company for two years and published a paper about orchid roots. I’ve got you covered!

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The Plant Doctor

Ever wonder if you’re taking care of your plants in the right way? While Google and plant apps are useful for research, it helps to have a scientific lens to view these resources. Let me be your resource for all things plant care! In this section, I have compiled videos that delve into plant care topics like pest scouting and repotting.

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Flower Power

Fresh or dried, flowers provide a beauty to our homes unlike anything else. Though, they don’t last as long as a flourishing houseplant, cut flowers have their horticultural place in the world, bringing a fresh cheeriness to our lives every time we look upon their faces. Learn how to master floral design!

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